Resources to Jump-Start Your Garden

Healthy soil is fundamental to a thriving garden. Soil requires renewal with fresh organic matter to help your garden reach its full potential, so give your spring plantings an advantage by rooting them in a rich environment.  Read more information on building up organic matter, improving nutrients, and balancing pH.

The temperatures are warming up, but we’re still a few weeks away from the average last frost date for our area. Whether you’re planning for a rainbow of summer flowers or a bumper crop of vegetables, now’s the perfect time to start your seeds. For a step-by-step guide, check out this resource from Penn State Extension.  While you can sow a few cold weather vegetables like peas, carrots, and kale outdoors, it’s also a great time for starting seeds like tomatoes, peppers, and other annual plants that take longer to mature inside.

Spending time in the garden has so many benefits, but did you know that gardening can reduce stress and anxiety.  Learn how you can spread joy and boost your mood by growing your garden.

While you’re planning ahead, residents of Boyertown and Pottstown boroughs can think about entering the Home Garden Contest. Registration opens soon, so check out this year’s categories and start growing for the chance to win cash prizes.  And get inspiration from some of the best gardens around by joining us for the Boyertown & Pottstown Garden Tours, beginning April 24!