Manage Your Grant
The grant process continues after you receive a check from the Foundation. PAHWF staff will be here to offer support and assistance throughout your grant term. The resources and information below will help you successfully navigate the process.
Grant Terms & Conditions
View our Grant Terms & Conditions regarding all grant awards. This policy explains the guidelines related to use of grant funds, organizational changes, grant disbursement, grant period, and more.
Grant Reports
Your program officer will work with you to ensure success. Once you’ve received your final approval notification and begin utilizing grant funds, the Foundation requires reports after six months and one year from the grant term start date.
Interim reports are completed in the form of a group listening session with other grantees in your program area. Final reports are submitted through our online grants portal.
Match Requirement
Matching funds must be documented as follows. No other format will be accepted as evidence of a firm commitment of matching funds. If a matching portion was met with a grant from another foundation, please submit the following to the PAWHF Grants Manager at and cc your program officer as proof of the match.
Variance Policy
We understand that sometimes projects change. We will do our best to effectively adapt allocation of funds to changing circumstances. If you need to request a grant variance, please reach out to your program officer by email. Please reference our Grantee Variance Requirements policy for more information.
Capital Project Reporting Requirements
PAHWF may award a capital grant for up to 50 percent of the total allowable costs of the project. If seeking capital funding, specifically for capital projects within the Built Environment Program Area, the request cannot exceed $100,000 and you must show you’ve raised at least 50% of required funds. Capital grant expenditures may include application costs, site surveys, architectural, and engineering fees, but may not include relocation costs or developer's fees.
Other considerations for capital grants are items such as facility enhancements, equipment, and information technology costs, which would require a PAHWF capacity building grant application and a 1:1 match of funds raised at either the time of application or as a requirement to release funds. Please refer to the match requirements above for more information.
Grant Publicity Guidelines
View our Grant Publicity Guidelines. This was created to ensure a consistency in recognition for projects and programs in publications, news releases, ads and other media.
Grant Cycles
See the list of relevant dates in the spring and fall for upcoming semi-annual grant cycles.