Reasons to Give
Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation is a tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) community foundation dedicated to its mission of enhancing the health and wellness of area residents within a 10-mile radius of Pottstown, providing education, funding, and programs that motivate people to adopt healthy lifestyles.
In July 2023 Pottstown Area Health and Wellness Foundation became a community foundation, marking a renewed focus on supporting Pottstown Area communities in perpetuity. We partner with individuals and organizations and work to inspire generosity to benefit all members of the communities we serve.
1. Passions Worth Sharing: We all have unique passions, and the range of causes you can support through the Foundation are endless: from arts and culture to music, parks & recreation, education, social services, food insecurity, healthcare access, or supporting the elderly. We help donors establish legacies by ensuring that their causes and passions are supported long after they are gone. Combining the Foundation’s expertise with donor generosity, we can make a significant difference. When people give, our community is strengthened. Through the Foundation, donors can do good work forever in the Pottstown and Tri-County region.
2. Decades of Expertise: As a trusted local organization that has been improving the quality of life in Pottstown, Boyertown, and surrounding areas for 20 years, the Foundation has partnered with dozens of trusted community nonprofits, local government entities, and schools. Since 2003, the Foundation has awarded over $48 million to organizations in Pottstown and surrounding communities.
3. Community-Oriented Approach: We are a group of people who care deeply about the greater Pottstown community and have the expertise, energy, and connections to support positive change for residents. Our dedicated board of directors work together to make the most of every Foundation dollar and promote lasting and equitable impact.
4. Knowledge for Results: Local data and studies supported by the Foundation provide valuable insight for our work and the work of our partners. The Foundation has invested in community health needs assessments, Urban Land Institute studies, and surveys of the nonprofit community to obtain accurate information to help to guide our efforts each and every day.
5. Proven Leadership: The Foundation is a community leader, providing funding for new ideas, programs and community initiatives that help make a positive impact within our region. Our staff is proud and passionate about their work and the community they serve. They are knowledgeable of community issues and needs, and partner with nonprofits to help champion their cause.
6. Flexibility for Donors: We believe that all gifts can make an impact. The Foundation accepts a wide variety of gifts and works with donors to provide individualized personal service. Our donor advised funds help our donors support the causes they care about most; our endowment funds benefit the community forever.
7. Financial Stewardship: The Foundation partners with financial professionals to help create effective ways for their donors to meet their personal charitable goals. Donations to the Foundation provide maximum tax advantage under state and federal law, and we are proud to offer a low fee structure, with some of the most competitive fees in the area.