Education & Healthcare

Scholarship Endowment Project

Helping lay the groundwork for new opportunities and partnership in healthcare and education.

A nationwide shortage of education and healthcare workers is disproportionately impacting the health, economic, and education outcomes of historically marginalized community members. This is especially true when workforce demographics do not reflect the populations they serve.

Health and education institutions serving post-industrial communities like Pottstown have difficulty with worker recruitment and retention. With the added weight of the pandemic, these issues will require intentional action and investment for meaningful change.

The goal of the Education and Healthcare Workforce Scholarship Endowment Project is to improve access to these career pathways for current and former residents who identify as Black, Hispanic, Latina/o/x, Low-Income, and/or Disabled. Program development processes are grounded by feedback and guidance from education and healthcare system stakeholders. Reference the one-pager and full Request for Proposal below for more information.

An Equitable Approach to Growing the Workforce

The Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation will improve health, education, and economic equity in the Tri-County Area through the development of programs that will improve educator and healthcare worker recruitment, retention, and residency.

The scholarship will aim to increase the proportion of Pottstown residents who possess a high degree of preparedness and motivation to earn a sustainable living wage in the health and education workforces.

Potential scholarship program area recipients may be: 

  1. New or current employees at Pottstown School District
  2. New or current employees at Pottstown Hospital - Tower Health
  3. PSD students to pursue education at 2 or 4 year education institutions to return for employment at Pottstown School District
  4. PSD students to pursue education at 2 or 4 year education institutions to return for employment at Pottstown Hospital - Tower Health
man giving blood on Blood Donor Month