Celebrate Our Earth’s Trees!
Arbor Day Is Friday, April 30

Have you ever gazed up at a tall, proud tree and considered its history? If trees could communicate, they could share stories of generations before us.
Arbor Day was established in 1872 in Nebraska. The holiday’s purpose was to plant as many trees as possible, with the hope of inspiring national participation. More than one million trees were planted in the year of that first Arbor Day.
Today, the environment needs our care more than ever. Let’s model the enthusiasm of the first Arbor Day to make a positive impact. You don’t have to be a tree-hugger to appreciate the beauty and benefit of trees.
Through virtual town hall presentations, expert insight, and extensive research, Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation (PAHWF) has been working to share updated, trustworthy information with our community.
Start Small
Many have used meditation to cope with pandemic stress. Meditation can be as simple as focusing on your breathing. Take this practice to the base of a tree. Sit on the ground below its branches or on a nearby bench. Just breathe. With all its strength and comfort (in the form of shade, scent, and solidarity), the tree will likely motivate more Arbor Day actions.
Fun Ways to Celebrate Arbor Day
Plant a tree, any size or type will do! Plant one in a pot, garden, or community area. From a tiny bonsai to a large oak, there is a variety to enhance every environment. Slow-growth trees require patience, but they will be appreciated far into the future. Consider planting a tree when you or a family member achieve a milestone. Its care and growth become symbolic.
Looking for ideas on how to incorporate new plantings into your outdoor space? Check out your neighbors’ gardens during the three garden tours in Pottstown and Boyertown.
Care for trees in your surroundings. A simple act like mulching the beds that house trees helps them stay nourished. Pulling nearby weeds and removing dead branches encourages growth and maintains hydration. Remove debris and litter.
Attend fun, tree-loving events. Visit the Perkiomen Watershed’s native plant sale to buy, browse, or spend time in the presence of a future forest. Enjoying time at this outdoor community event is a safe way to cope with pandemic loneliness.
Go deep. Hike or cycle through a wooded area. There are plenty of beautiful parks and trails in the Pottstown area. Visit Pottstown Area Outdoors to discover new tree sightings. Recognize different trees in our community through the Arbor Day Foundation’s What Tree Is That? tree identification guide.
Create a tree journal. Take pictures and collect fallen leaves to preserve. Arrange them in a notebook or journal. Include bulleted lists of observations or newly learned facts that are specific to your collection.
Gather twigs, pine needs, pine cones, and branches for crafting. Create wreaths, centerpieces, and other household decorations. Freshen up your home without the expense of pricey décor. Simplicity is always in style.
Every tree is a “giving tree.” Celebrate Arbor Day by giving back to these renewable resources that beautify our world.