It’s National Blood Donor Month

man giving blood on Blood Donor Month

It’s a New Year—Get Your Blood Flowing! It’s a dreary time of year. The holidays are behind us, gifts are unwrapped, and we are coping with the bills. However, consider…

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Coping with Depression

people coping with depression holding hands

Symptoms and self care for Depression Everyone feels sad or lonely at times. Often, it’s As cooler, shorter days arrive, October makes sense as National Depression Awareness Month. We pull…

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Sickle Cell Awareness Month

September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month, and the American Red Cross is working to reach more blood donors who are Black to help patients with sickle cell disease.  Transfusions are…

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Prostate Cancer Awareness

Doctor and prostate patient

Are You at Risk for Prostate Cancer? Guys, although you may have a strong back to carry life’s load, it takes true strength and even courage to get a tune-up…

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Back to School Safety

children climbing onto. their school bus

Version 2022 We’ve learned much over the pandemic about the value of health. Experts agree one of the most important lessons gained is the benefit of in-person schooling. As kids…

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Staying Safe from Ticks

deer tick crawling on a sleeve

Lyme disease is transmitted to humans through a bite from an infected tick. Here are precautions to take when heading outdoors …

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