Pottstown Regional Parks Mini-Grant Program
Pottstown, PA – March 1, 2013 – The Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee (PMRPC) and the Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation (PAHWF), with a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), are working together to promote Parks and Recreation in the Pottstown Region. A mini-grant program, with eight grants of up to $25,000 each, will be awarded to municipalities in the Pottstown Metropolitan Region to help fund park improvements that promote recreation.
Under this Request for Proposals, the Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee and the Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation are inviting the Region’s eight member municipalities to apply for funding for the planning or development of park improvements.
Applicants may request up to $25,000 for the proposed project. Applications for the first round of funding will be accepted no later than September 6, 2013.
Program Impact
The purpose of the Parks Mini-Grant Program is to support and implement the recommendations included in the 2012 Penn State Study, Planning and Design Strategies for Healthy Living, Parks, and Recreation in the Pottstown Region, which provides a road map for each municipality to improve its community and parks built environment. The PSU study recommendations are consistent with the PMRPC’s regional comprehensive plan, county greenway plans, and PA Outdoor Recreation Plan recommendations. The funding made available by this RFP will assist municipalities in undertaking park improvements that add amenities to existing park facilities and improving previously acquired park land by adding green features, pathways, signage, or other enhancements.
Preference for funding will be given to proposals that add park amenities recommended by the Penn State study, which can be found here.
Program Partners
DCNR is the primary source of state support for Pennsylvania recreation, parks, and conservation initiatives. Grant funding from DCNR assists hundreds of communities and organizations across Pennsylvania to plan, acquire, and develop recreation and park facilities, create trails, and conserve open space.
The Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Planning Committee (PMRPC) is comprised of two representatives from each of the Region’s eight participating municipalities, including Pottstown Borough, Douglass, New Hanover, West Pottsgrove, North Pottsgrove, and East Pottsgrove in Montgomery County and North Coventry and East Coventry Townships in Chester County. PMRPC members address multi-municipal issues and oversee implementation of the Pottstown Metropolitan Regional Comprehensive Plan, currently one of the largest multi-municipal planning efforts taking place in Pennsylvania.
The Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation’s mission is to enhance the health and wellness of area residents, providing education, funding and programs that motivate people to adopt healthy lifestyles. Visit www.pottstownfoundation.org for more information about the Foundation. Discover Pottstown area’s online community at www.missionhealthyliving.org to learn and share great information on how to lead a healthier life! You can also follow Mission Healthy Living on Facebook and Twitter.
Funding eligibility is limited to member municipalities of the Pottstown Metropolitan Region, including Douglass, Lower Pottsgrove, New Hanover, Upper Pottsgrove, and West Pottsgrove Townships, and Pottstown Borough in Montgomery County, PA, and North Coventry and East Coventry Townships in Chester County, PA.
Additional Requirements
All project applications should demonstrate consistency with the goals of the Pottstown Regional Parks Mini-Grants partners – DCNR, PMRPC, and PAHWF. Projects are expected to achieve funded expectations within a 12-month contract term; however, early completion of projects is encouraged. Grants require a minimum 10% cash match to be demonstrated either at the time of application or within the duration of the 12-month contract.
Applications for the first round of funding will be accepted until September 6, 2013. For more information about the Mini-Grant program and to access application materials, please visit the Pottstown Metropolitan Region’s website at PMRPC.PottstownMetroRegion.com.
The Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation’s mission is to enhance the health and wellness of area residents, providing education, funding and programs that motivate people to adopt healthy lifestyles. Visit www.pottstownfoundation.org for more information about the Foundation. Discover Pottstown area’s online community at www.missionhealthyliving.org to learn and share great information on how to lead a healthier life. You can also follow Mission Healthy Living on Facebook and Twitter.