2017 Parks Contest Winners
Congratulations to our 2017 winners:
HEALTHIEST PARK PRIZE: The park that received the greatest number of visits by the conclusion of the competition.
1st PLACE: Brown Street Park, Spring City Borough- $5,000 recreation grant for improvements.

RUNNER-UP: Frederick Friendship Playground, Upper Frederick Township- $2,500 recreation grant for improvements.

ACTIVITY CHALLENGE PRIZE:The municipality that collectively cast the most number of ticketed votes regionally by the conclusion of the competition.
1st PLACE: Heather Place Park, Upper Pottsgrove Township- $5,000 recreation grant for improvements.

RUNNER-UP: Brown Street Park, Spring City Borough- $2,500 recreation grant for improvements.

BONUS PRIZE WINNERS: Will be announced Tuesday, August 8th on the Foundation’s Facebook page.