Priority 2- Health Access: Fall 2015
PRIORITY #2: PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH (Eight grants were awarded totaling $522,037).
Camphill Village Kimberton Hills: Aging in Community (Funded by PAHWF East Auxiliary).
Carson Valley Children’s Aid: Women’s Voices/Healthy Choices
Advocacy Center of Montgomery County, d/b/a Mission Kids: Fostering the
Resilient Child through Family Advocacy and Forensic Interviews
(Partially funded by PAHWF East Auxiliary).
Child, Home & Community: Pottstown Adolescent Prenatal Parenting and Support Continuum
Creative Health Services, Inc.: Healthy Weight, Healthy Families Program
Health Care Access: Health Care Access Programs
Montgomery County Community College Foundation: Dental Sealant Day
Visiting Nurse Association Community Services, Inc. (VNA): Personal Navigator Program with Expanded Legal Support