Healthly Living

Outdoor Adventures

Looking for a place to take a walk? Need to get outside?
Here is a list of park and recreation locations in the Pottstown area.

Manderach Memorial Playground (Limerick Community Park), Swamp Pike, Neiffer, PA, USA

Manderach Park (Limerick Community Park)

Home of the Manderach Memorial Playground, this 70-acre park includes: 2 pavilions, 3 softball fields, 2 little league fields, 1 baseball field, 2 sand volleyball courts, 2 basketball courts, 2 restroom facilities, and a 1.1 mile paved walking/running track with 12 fitness stations. Manderach Memorial Playground is closed on the 1st Monday of each month from 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. so that inspections and maintenance can be performed to keep the playground in good working condition. Manderach Memorial Playground is closed between November and April for the winter.


Phone: 610-495-6432