White daisy flower in the crack of an old stone slab
White daisy flower in the crack of an old stone slab
White daisy flower in the crack of an old stone slab
White daisy flower in the crack of an old stone slab
White daisy flower in the crack of an old stone slab
White daisy flower in the crack of an old stone slab
White daisy flower in the crack of an old stone slab
Healthy Living
RSV: Out of the Shadows

Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation (PAHWF) explains why we are hearing more about the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) these past couple years—and how to avoid it.

Healthy Living
Which Diet Is Best for You?

Forget about trendy diets. The best way to eat is by consistently choosing healthy foods. We gather some options to help you get the nutrition you need. Don’t worry. We didn’t forget about your tastebuds...

Healthy Living
PAHWF: Community Strong

Since our recent transition to a community foundation, Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation (PAHWF) continues to realize the value of becoming a public charity.

Healthy Living
Brushing Up on Kids’ Dental Health

Forty percent of children experience tooth decay by kindergarten. National Children’s Dental Health Month in February reminds us to brush up on proper oral hygiene. Start young to develop positive habits early.

Healthy Living
Screen Time

Screens surround us almost everywhere we go. Start a healthy screen-time diet to avoid overconsumption and its negative effects on everything from mental/physical health to finances.

Healthy Living
Headache Help

Headache disorders are among the most disabling conditions worldwide. The pain disrupts everything from daily productivity to major social events. Here are helpful ideas for preventing and easing the pain.

Healthy Living
The Exercises You Need Right Now

Did you know your biological age can differ from your birth age? Exercise is proven to minimize the effects of aging. Here are some workout tips by decade. Start wherever you are. It is never too late.

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The Foundation

Improving People's health and well-being



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Planned Giving

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Healthy Living

Inspirational ideas and tips on healthy living

Funding solutions for long-term improvement in healthy behaviors

Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation

The Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation enhances the health and wellness of area residents, providing education, funding and programs that motivate people to adopt healthy lifestyles.

Foundation News

Headlines and Happenings

PAHWF: Community Strong
Since our recent transition to a community foundation, Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation (PAHWF) continues to realize ...
PAHWF Awards Over $1 Million in Latest Grant Cycle
POTTSTOWN (January 2, 2024)—The Pottstown Area Health and Wellness Foundation awarded $1,049,750 in grants to 36 organizations. Having ...
Charles Haddad Remembered for Lifetime of Service
Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation joins the community in mourning the loss of Charles Haddad, who passed ...

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In The Neighborhood

Working together for a greater good

Pottstown Area Health & Wellness Foundation is proud to be a vital part of this vibrant community, a special place where everyone is working together for the greater good. Read on to see how we connect to the community beyond our grantmaking.

Healthy Living

Community Crisis Resources

Our mission is to guide individuals on their journey to better health and well-being. Through this, we can enjoy a thriving community where each of us experiences the fullest life possible.

two people comforting each other
Stay Active, Stay Healthy

Healthy Living

Read up on a variety of health topics, learn more about affecting positive change, share tips and ideas and stay on top of the latest community events.

Around the Community

Partner Impact Profiles

See how are grantees are making a positive impact in the greater Pottstown area.


Pottstown Area Regional Recreation Committee

PARRC projects have included new playground equipment, trail improvements, plantings, and even a new floating dock.

A mother holds her baby.

Maternal & Child Health Consortium

Through the years, Maternal and Child Health Consortium has helped Pottstown children and their families thrive.

room at Mission Kids

Mission Kids Child Advocacy Center of MontCo

Mission Kids offers a dedicated, child-friendly setting to achieve healing and justice for victims of child abuse.